Hmm... setting goals is something I always think I should do, but never get around to...
My goals for this project are:
1. To become more familiar with some Web 2.0 tools that I have already looked at, but haven't really followed-up on (eg Blogger, Wikis, Google Maps, Skype, del.ici.ous)
2. To try out some totally new things as well (Voki, Slideshare, Twitter, RSS, Flickr)
3. To actually USE some of the "Things" in my class, especially with the Year 6s, who have access to laptops every week
4. To learn from my colleagues - it's always great to hear what works in other people's classes!
5. To meet new people who love languages like me!!
My goals for this project are:
1. To become more familiar with some Web 2.0 tools that I have already looked at, but haven't really followed-up on (eg Blogger, Wikis, Google Maps, Skype, del.ici.ous)
2. To try out some totally new things as well (Voki, Slideshare, Twitter, RSS, Flickr)
3. To actually USE some of the "Things" in my class, especially with the Year 6s, who have access to laptops every week
4. To learn from my colleagues - it's always great to hear what works in other people's classes!
5. To meet new people who love languages like me!!
I'm looking forward to exploring some of these new Things with you, Janine!
返信削除love the look of your site - I am really looking forward to hearing from everyone else & getting to know everyone - I love how some PDs give you that "spark" - setting off an explosion of new ideas, enthusiasm, etc - and the chain reaction effect from working with a group of people! (Is that pushing the metaphor too far?)
返信削除It is nice meeting you Janine. It will be nice if every one of us attach a picture. (I am not sure if you guys can see my picture), and in that case we can recognize each other, hounestly I am confused between 4 people. As you know that we met only once. By the way is there any meaning for you name?