
Japanese Children's TV

I found this "TV Channel" on Mogulus.com. I'm not sure whether or not I will be able to use it in the classroom, as access to sites like this that require live streaming are often blocked. Our tech people are pretty good about unblocking sites that are for educational purposes, so that may not be a problem.

I'm also not sure if I can save particular parts of the broadcast, rather than just showing my classes random clips that happen to be showing at the time. It would be of more value if I can sort through and choose clips that show songs that we know, or use language with which we are familiar. How do you "record" live streaming? (I don't think the actual show is live, as the time stamp in the corner isn't always consecutive.) There is an "On Demand" button, but that doesn't seem to do anything - there are no clips to select from when I click on it.

I'll have a play and see what I can work out.

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