
Voki Fun

Well, here is my first attempt at a Voki. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm really keen to use this with my Year 6 students. What I'm struggling with is the logistics of setting it up. Blogging is not something that we have done in the Junior School, and some staff are wary of privacy issues. If the students only use their first names, and it is a private blog, I don't think that should be a problem. It's the setting up of the blog, making sure I get the privacy settings right, and then getting all the students to sign up that's going to be tricky. I wonder if they have a limit on how many Vokis you can create? Could the students all simply log in as me, and create their Vokis in my account? Getting them all to create a Gmail account, verify it, sign-up for Voki, verify that account and then create their Voki could be a nightmare with a class of 10 and 11 year olds! And then they would have to get their code and embed it in the blog... hmmm, need to think about this a bit more!

1 件のコメント:

  1. This is where the Google hack comes in handy! To set up student accounts in advance (and have it email YOU their login and password so you can hand them out and also have a record) use:


    so me and student Jane would be


    This will seem like a unique email to the service you're signing up for, but will send me Jane's information. I can then simply give Jane her login and password in class and she won't have to manage the whole signup process herself (which often takes so much time)

    HOWEVER, I think Voki are onto this hack because it wouldn't let me do it just now :( But a lot of other web2.0 services will.

    Alternatively if the students already have email addresses, you could sign them up and they would receive an email with their details. I agree with you - having them all sign up for a gmail account each would be a logistical nightmare (and parents may not want their children having a personal email account yet).

    Or, as you say, they could all use YOUR account. That's how some of my friends manage it at the primary level. And the kids get such a rush when they email it to their parents!!!!!

    It might also be worth checking out the Voki Partner programme - seems like it's made to create a "walled garden"?? I haven't tried it, but it looks promising?
