Okay, I decided it was time to check out Twitter. I know it's not one of our "Things", but it's been in the news a bit lately, and also mentioned in a few blogs I am following.
Twitter has been described as "micro-blogging" - you post short updates about what you are doing in 140 or less characters. I am already "following" 11 people, and (surprisingly!!) 8 people are "following" me! Most of them are Languages teachers who are interested in integrating ICT into their teaching.

Once again, like blogs, the key to Twitter being useful appears to be managing all of the incoming and outgoing messages. There are so many messages flying around, some of them general updates/info for everyone, others directed at specific people (eg replies to someone's post). There are lots of Twitter "apps" around that are designed to help with management. I have installed "TwitKit", which adds a sidebar in Firefox so that I can see what's happening, live.
I also need to find and read some on-line Twitter guides I think, so that I can learn some Twitter etiquette, and what some of the common abbreviations mean.
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